Wednesday, October 7, 2015

New Adventures From Connie on Peoria to Grafton

We pulled out of Peoria early with wind and rains heading our way.  During the day we passed Coon Hollow Island and Jackass Marsh.  Where do people come up with these names.  When the rains finally came, we relished the cool down.  90 degrees was very warm when at times we didn't have shade nor breezes.  At this point we ran into friends from PA whom we had met earlier, Jeff and Rhonda, Rhon Da Vous, from Pennsylvania.  It is always fun to have someone else to travel with.  Tall Timbers Marina, near Havana IL, was an interesting marina.  They had dockside portable johns that were cutely decorated, didn't smell and were very clean.  I really didn't mind using them, and they were right outside our slip. 

The next morning the weather was cooler, and we got to sleep in and take long showers, because we knew tonight we would not have the amenities.  As we tied to the Logston Barges, we had to hike a levee wall, several building stories high, to go into the town of Beardstown.  I hiked the wall twice, but Marv hiked several times.  He had to register, he took Sadie for a walk, again when we walked across town to grocery shop, when we went across town again for dinner, and he took Sadie for a few more walks.  When we went grocery shopping, I sat in the shade on a parking curb by a restaurant with Sadie.  I sure got a lot of odd looks by everyone who drove by...especially the police officer who went by twice.  The barge tie up was not so cool.  We had river traffic and waves all night...not horrible, as Marv mentioned, the alarms went off during the night telling us we were taking on water.  As Marv was in the belly of the boat and things going from bad to worse, I was in the salon trying to figure out the best way to help...or not.  He finally found a wooden plug which we previously wondered why they had been left on the boat.  Boy am I glad we didn't unknowingly throw them out!  Then we countered bugs from having the lights on during the plumbing episode.  In spite of all, I am so grateful that Marv can fix almost everything.  Then the barge company awoke us early the next morning to get to the lock.  Apparently, the next lock down the river had been damaged or hit by a tow and they were closing the lock to do repairs.  We didn't spend much time getting ready.  We grabbed clothes and hit the river.  As we flew by our friends, Rhon Da Vous, who were anchored down river behind an island, I called to let them know we had to hurry to the lock.  They did the same thing we did and followed in quick pursuit.  As we waited at the lock, we all grabbed breakfast bars and lots of ice water to get ready for another hot day.

We spent 4 nights at the Grafton Marina.  Rhonda and I took the marina courtesy van to Jerseyville IL to do grocery and supply shopping.  We toured the small town of Grafton on several walks, and shared a dinner at a local winery with Jeff and Rhonda.  Marv and I again used the courtesy van to go to Jerseyville for mechanical supplies.  Sadie and I were in delight to ride in a land mobile.  Now this courtesy van was interesting.  The brakes squeal, and the steering column grinds as you turn corners.  On both adventures we were glad to get back to the marina without incident.  While at Grafton we met several other loopers, and we learned the practice of docktails.  When you are ready to socialize, you take your preferred beverage, snack and chairs and sit on the dock.  Within a short time, you will be joined by two to twenty more ready to share stories of adventure and sights seen and to be seen.  It is always fun to meet new friends.

We are soon to go onto the Mississippi.  I'm feeling a little apprehensive. 

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