Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Sadie Too

As for Sadie, she is beginning to enjoy the trip.  On day one, she had to wear her life jacket as we crossed Lake Michigan.  Between the heat and the rough waters, she was nervous and paced most of the day. 
Now she enjoys laying on the fly bridge watching the river traffic and the water float by.  She knows most of our friends by the sound of their engines, and has new doggy pals at almost all stops.  We try to stay at marinas often because of the access to water and power.  Most of the marinas have a dog walk area which she always enjoys.  She has lots of boat dog friends that she gets to play with.  On days that we anchor out, we use the dinghy to take her to shore.  This is a lot of work because we have to lower the dinghy and put it back in place when we return to the boat.  We have worn swimsuits to take her to shore in the warm rain, sunk in the mud as Marv did, seen wild animals and always made it back.  Sadie loves to ride in the dinghy.  When we take her life jacket out and lower the boat, she knows it is her time.  At first getting the life jacket on was a challenge, because she is so wiggly.  Now she runs to you and stands in place until she is made ready to go.  We have a bit of a challenge getting her from the boat to the dinghy.  Marv stands on the swim board and lifts her hips and back end down to the swim board while I lift her front end down the steps, however coming back in the boat is a piece of cake.  She almost climbs up the steps herself.  As for eating, she is right on track.  She knows that 8 pm is pig ear time.  Somehow her little clock never changes.

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