Sunday, September 27, 2015

Connie's Bit on the Joliet to Peoria Cruise Time

In addition to being stuck in the mud all night at Henry Harbor, the Asian Carp fish were jumping against our boat all night.  With no AC, high temps and noisy fish, we didn't get a lot of sleep.  Cruising hasn't been a leisurely ride down the river so far.  There is always lots of work on deck to keep the boat going in the right directions and free of issues.  Most of the time, sleep comes very easily to us each night...all that fresh air!

After many days of 90 degree weather, we finally have a more balmy temperature and nice breeze.  The scenery is beautiful and the people all along the way are friendly and wonderful.  What a delight! 

The Illinois River is quite misleading.  There is definitely a large river here, but it is openly connected to lake after lake all along the way.  While in Peoria, we moored at the IVY Club.  This is the Illinois Valley Yacht Club.  By early afternoon Marv had the AC problem figured out, and ordered the parts.  We will receive them at a marina down the river.  Yeah, Marv!  That evening we shared dinner at the Ivy Club with our wonderful Panda Bear friends, Larry and Flora Moynihan from Boston.  The members and staff in this marina were very nice in helping us tie up, offering to share their filtered water, and offering help in any way.  While staying here, we had a chance to finish organizing "stuff," clean house and do laundry.  Early in the morning, I walked with Sadie to the light house and watched as our Panda Bear, Boston, friends left port.  ...such sweet sorrow.  I hope they have a safe journey and that we can reconnect in the year ahead.

Our Florida friends, Bob and Norma Dawson, live in Peoria.  Bob was recovering from knee surgery, so sweet Norma came and got us and took us to their beautiful, countryside home where they let Sadie run and romp.  I think Sadie thought she needed to stay there.  Norma chauffeured us to various stores so we could restock on supplies and foods, and then we shared a fun dinner.  We look forward to seeing them in Florida this winter.  Thank you, Norma!

We have thoroughly enjoyed our stay in Peoria.  The people are so nice, and the views of the river and lake here are beautiful.  I loved getting up early each day and walking Sadie to the lighthouse.  The fresh air was wonderful.  The club has a white duck that showed up out of who knows where and has been here several years.  They call him Aflac.  It has been fun to watch his socialization with all the boaters.
IVY Club Cardboard Box Race Winners

On Labor Day, the club had a celebration with barbecues and a cardboard box race.  Two tipped over, but all held together until the finish line.  Each boat had two people, and they both worked like crazy to get their vessels moving.  By sitting on the back deck of our boat, we had front row seats and really enjoyed the good times.

Early to bed tonight as tomorrow is an early start and a long trip.  We always try to plan our days so that we end in a marina or on a barge tie up.  The alternative is to let the dingy down so we can take Sadie to shore.  Either way, she knows she owns us!

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